Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3198 (4. Sep. 2007 05:24) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Pict 3nd try
: I've heard similar things. And we also had the discussion as to where to align the plates in front and in rear. Probably there is an advantage for speed skates to get a better push where centering them more on the inside. I think what's an advantage on speed skates is more of a disadvantage for ramp skating. There you don't get your speed from an outward stroke and you balance the centering more for stability than for maximum outward stroke efficiency.
: You don't even need to have you skates strictly aligned with your feet if you do not ride parallel. Side stance rider Holger Sander deliberately has his skates aligned in a way that the strain on his legs is lessend.
: I think what't really important is to get your trucks aligned if you use skateboard trucks. If you don't, you skate will always go in a curve which is not good.

How did Holger Sander align his skates? Could you expand upon that?

I skate parallel now. I want to learn sidestance so I can do both one day, but right now I can only do sidestance in a straight line with speed one direction. The other way I tend to spin around lol. Need more practice!

Thanks! What I will probably do since my skates skate great now is just make a line with the inner and outter holes and put the longer trucks on that line. I think I will wait to do the skateboard trucks set up. I havent quiite yet been sk8n a year and think it will be another year before I start doing really cool tricks. So by then I want a really great set up for grinding too.
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  • claudine: tips on centering a plate? (1. Sep. 2007 20:08)
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