Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3879 (1. Nov. 2007 02:12) (All next previous)

Robert (videos by Robert) (pictures by Robert)
backyard pool
That pool is perfect! I am guessing that was built for skating because no backyard pool I have ever skated looked like that. I loved seeing the rollerskater. Obviously, I don't know who that was, but I will say they had a great line and were very smooth and had great style. Looked to me like an oldschool skater.

I wonder if the sidestance folks and the straightforward folks were to have a contest and both have to use the other's way of skating, who would skate better?

Well, I gave it some thought and the side stancers would win. I am proud to say that in my prime I could compete quite well against you side stancers, but now I can't do anything side stance and I am sure you could grind with my style. I am sure one day soon Claudine will be a pro at both styles so we all should keep an eye out. : )

: : try this link. There is a little footage of rollerskating in a backyard pool in NC, super fun.
: :
: :
: The roller skater, that's you, isn't it?
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