Vertical Rollerskating


Message 412 (9. Oct. 2002 16:16) (All previous)

RollerSkater Dave (videos by RollerSkater Dave) (pictures by RollerSkater Dave)
radical rollerskates from Holland
: : Sorry, I was dreaming. I mean Dr. Martens. Just an example of ordinary boots. It looks like it's not so easy to find seperate skate boots in Amsterdam, Holland.
: This choice of boot seems a bit strange to me. Why not try and get some use ice hockey skates and rip the boots off?

You can try
They sell quad ramp skates.

You could also try

They sell ice speed skate and Skeeler(inline) speed boots that would work with the addition of a heel.

RS Dave
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  • Ferry: radical rollerskates from Holland (6. Oct. 2002 15:17)
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