Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6527 (27. Aug. 2008 05:17) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Heho, a German from Switzerland
: : : : Uhh ohh theres three of them Ccrank out the schnitzengrouber and sourcraut,,Octoberfest is comming a month early this year...(dont mention the war)
: : :
: : : Good idea, Joe! I have to cook some Krautkrapfen some time soon. It's almost this time of the year. But I won't go near the Oktoberfest. That one's really strange.
: :
: : you are so lucky, enjoy the sk8n!!!! nice to hear. :-D
: Then there is Daniel Knopf (also German) living in NY. He lived in Switzerland for a phase, then Vancouver. I finally have another rollerskater and it's been a hoot. See vids at:
: Welcome Back, Alex!

del water gap vert looks amazing! i cant wait til the day i sk8 for real again. it might be a year off by the time i am healed and can move/use my arm safely again. also cause i must have medical w/ new job. will i start from beginning? Alex, is it easy to come back? more exciting 2nd time around? i will be scared but i will feel like i was reborn again!
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