Vertical Rollerskating


Message 7055 (20. Oct. 2008 10:59) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
: Happy birthday MrB you'd be about 21 by now right?

Shh! Don't tell anybody! ;-) But thanks for the congratulations!

: And how are your ailments comming along now,,Are you back on the guitar yet?

Guitar playing works pretty nicely. I would say that any botches are to be attributed to lack of excercise rather than to the injury. The hand is not back to normal, however. But my ergo therapist told me that the joint capsules are pretty unforgiving. Anyhow, I am pretty happy to still being able to play the guitar.

: Me and Ludi are off to SOS again next month(booked tickets tonight) so Ludi,rollerball,beanstalk and me will have a drink in your honour when we're all together for the aniversary of meeting you and maybe a couple for your birthday too.

Hey that's great! I'd like to be there too. At least I would be able to find my way to Bondi. But Sydney is vast (and Melbs too). Hey, in 2004 I even thought San Diego was a small town!

Give my regards to everyone in Sydney who still remembers this German who didn't skate. ;-)
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