Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8972 (21. Apr. 2009 22:51) (All next previous)

joe90 (videos by joe90) (pictures by joe90)
bowl design
Thanx guys,,MrB,you can se the simularities of the other ramp I asked about,,Monchenschnitzengruber or whatever it's called,,I liked it so borrowed heavily.
Biff,,I'm gona try my guts out to get this up and when it,s done,,if you ever get down here,,you got a place to stay.
Claudine,,I'm not a big fan of humps and I recon snake runs are fun but I still like this sort of thing as it has some nice features but you can still pull some moves in/on it.

cheers joe

: : Just posted this up on our skate site as an idea for part of our re-built indoor sk8park,the shed,,any comments/improvements?
: :
: : cheers joe
: :
: :
: The biggest problem is location, I say right across the street from here lol!
: One thing I've noticed from riding trails now, is that they need to build skateparks with humpty humps and large (6-7 feet) S shaped halfpipes with tight turns. Its really a cool ride! I need to win the lottery, then I'll design one like landsdowne but much improved. Lots of flow and continuous riding.
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  • joe90: bowl design (21. Apr. 2009 12:39)
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