Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11984 (13. Mar. 2010 14:10) (Tree)

Bag O Tricks video 3
Yeah its a BIG ramp...I guess thats why they call it monster...
And dont listen to Joe...Ive had a roll with Joe on the monster vert and he will rip it apart just as good as I ever will..
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rollerball: Bag O Tricks video 3 (12. Mar. 2010 13:37)
 Ok..well sorry Joe...
But I was keen to get a few 540's out of the way early...
So will do Fastplants for the next video..
I was stoked..I dont push myself to do McTwists that much these days...Like to do one every session but 3 in one skate...has been a while..anyway here you go...
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks video 3 (12. Mar. 2010 18:53)
 Three's a charm!
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Robert: Bag O Tricks video 3 (12. Mar. 2010 19:48)
 Amazing! That ramp looks huge.
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Ufra: Bag O Tricks video 3 (12. Mar. 2010 22:22)
 YEAH! This ramp It's very good, I think Is perfect for skating. :)
Have a good one. Thanks
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ireNe: Bag O Tricks video 3 (12. Mar. 2010 23:04)
 Crazy rad !!!
Thanks for the juice.

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joe90: Bag O Tricks video 3 (13. Mar. 2010 03:05)
 You crazy old bastard,,thats fugen rad.They were smoooooth as.
Hey Robert,,that ramp is huge to the tune of 14 and a half feet.I like to ride it cos it's so wide and smooth but I ride it like a kid learning to skate,my little legs cant seem to generate much speed.Would love to spend some time sessioning it with Rollerball, it's an absolute pleasure to watch him ride the beast.Thanx again and keep em comming.

cheers joe
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Jay: Bag O Tricks video 3 (13. Mar. 2010 03:30)
  WOW! Beautiful Ramp. Amazingly Smooth Skating. Thanks.
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rollerballer: Bag O Tricks video 3 (13. Mar. 2010 14:10)
 Yeah its a BIG ramp...I guess thats why they call it monster...
And dont listen to Joe...Ive had a roll with Joe on the monster vert and he will rip it apart just as good as I ever will..
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