Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12532 (6. Jun. 2010 16:49) (All next previous)

Jay (videos by Jay) (pictures by Jay)
Hi Allen. Welcome (back) to the Forum!
I liked your video, but the pic of you with your daughter on sk8s @ the sk8park, AWESOMENESS!
I also especially liked the fact that hearing Irene's name @ a roller-rink is what got you into skating as she's a very special person to me & a very cool friend. She also happens to be this year's flier girl for my little rollerskating event I host here in Las Vegas annually:

2010 RC Sk8Park Tour

If you have the means to attend, by all means consider yourself officially invited. Although I know it's only 2 months hence & therefore prohibitively expensive, so my feelings won't be hurt if you can't make it. :)

Also, I invite you (& EVERYBODY ELSE who frequents our beloved Forum here!) to join my, I'm sorry OUR online "world" I've recently created on Gravity. It's a place to discuss ALL things rollerskate. While NOT a substitute for the Forum, I think, with some help/content from you all, it has potential......for instance you can easily share threads onto your favorite social networking spaces (Biff, I know YOU don't have a MySpace or Facebook or Twitter, but most of us do! LOL!) Check it out here:

And, Allen, as to the bladers & groms who either hate or look at you with bewilderment @ the sk8parks: ignore 'em & just sk8 harder!.
Everytime I go to the park I get that. So do most of us. I usually have to explain to kids that my sk8s aren't weird old rollerblades, they're rollersk8s! I've even had kids ask me how I thought of taping sk8board trucks onto my shoes! Just sk8 & enjoy. And, again, welcome to the Forum.
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