Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5006 (22. Feb. 2008 01:27) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
its snowing here! :-(
: : : Snowboarding is a dangerous activity. I tore my quadriceps tendon almost exactly two years ago when I was trying to learn it.
: : I know it's dangerous, Irene too had some troubles too, but my kids enjoy it so much....
: It's less dangerous for kids. They are still more flexible and also more light-weight.

I dont weigh that much at all but my tendon on the side of my knee still hurts from Oct? and that was just from overuse. I think things tighten up as you get older! Most all my injuries are sprains. :-( I'm going to try to learn some skateboarding this summer. One of my boarder friends is going to teach me. :-D But its too expensive for me now anyways.
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