Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5624 (22. Apr. 2008 09:15) (All next previous)

zorg (videos by zorg) (pictures by zorg)
Champigny closes during 3 weeks...
: : : Hi Guys,
: : : I just heard from the Champigny manager that the Ramp should be closed from 28 april for 3 weeks, for renovating the bowl.... Hope the delay will not last longer....
: : : It's bad time for it, but if the work is done properly, the 4m bowl should be nice finally!!!!!
: : :
: : : cheers
: : That's bad news but we are thinking about going to Paris anyway. We are also thinking abut other posibilities like going to Barcelona or visiting Nelo in Bilbao. We will figure it out tomorrow and write to tell you wat we decice. See you soon.
: Hey! wassup!!, I´m ufra´s girlfriend, we think it´s better to go somewhere in Spain we don´t have enough time to go there by car, but when the ramp is ready we´d really like to go. We´d also like to know if there are other ramps in france we could visit. Nous aimerons savoir de toi, comment va la vie a Paris dit nous si tu viens quelle que fois ici en Espagne. Salut et a bien tôt.
: Carmen et Ufra.
Hi Carmen and Ufra!! Fortunately, spring, sun and heat are back, so it's again good time for skating!! There are some other ramps around Paris, in France too as well as nice bowls, in which part would you like to visit?
Je vais parfois en Espagne à coté de Barcelona (Palafrugel) vers Noel pour les vacances, ou d'autres fois pour le travail. Je vous tiendrai au courant!!! N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous vous venez vers Paris!!!!

A bientôt!!

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  • zorg: Champigny closes during 3 weeks... (17. Apr. 2008 17:34)
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