Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6960 (8. Oct. 2008 21:51) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
: : : : not looking forward to next surgery. if it doesnt heal and they amputate my arm not sure how i can work. i guess i should be happy then, will have to be just a one arm sk8r for a living and my family can get rich when i die off my one arm paintings.
: : :
: : : I hope they didn't threaten to amputate your arm?
: : :
: : : I believe we all hope very much that your arm finally gets well again!
: :
: : i donno at this point. bone in center is gone, its black, it died, was told this by someone else. right now guess insurance delaying 2nd surgery. delaying makes things worse. lots of sharp shooting pains now w/ stimulator so maybe good, maybe not.
: Ok, so those bone fragments have been resorbed by your body. My physiotherapist once said that the body resorbs everything it doesn't need, except fat. Probably the gap was too big. The shooting pain could mean that newly grown bone has to displace some flesh. I'm not sure about it but can hardly imagine that the process would be completely pain free.
: I hope the insurance company does not further delay. They already did enough damage (well, the first part of the damage was done by you. Like me with my knee injury, I waited too long before I went to see a doctor and then I chose the wrong one at first). Keep on communicating with your doctor and don't stop till you are confident that the necessary steps have been taken.

i delayed 1st time due to lack of insurance. i think it died since maybe my body rejected cadaver graft. if so it should work w/ my own graft. then they delay on treatments now. i hope i can vote in nov. because i want change in medical insurance!! i dont know what i can do to help. i am having glum days now and become apathetic eating healthy. i want to roll at the rink. but i am not sure if i can put my speed sk8s together w/ one hand or if it would cause worse problems. i feel rather useless. i have a phone interview tomorrow and i hope this job is a phone job. its as a communication specialist. trying for an area that more talk then action now.
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