Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3606 (7. Oct. 2007 02:32) (All next previous)

joe90 (videos by joe90) (pictures by joe90)
Dropped in....
: : : The 6' is just a flat ramp, 60 degree slope so its not vert (90) like the halfpipe. So its easy for me. Looking straight down gets to me still lol.
: :
: : So the 5' ramp is vert? Keep off of it. The geometry is wrong, it is just plain dangerous. A 5' vert ramp is too steep. You can hurt yourself really bad in such a contraption.
: :
: Not quite vert but close enough for me. Its a standard ramp. I dropped in on the mini one finally! My heartrate got up so fast I thought I might have a heart attack lol. No caffeine before skating now. I had to chill after the first 2 times to let my heart rate go down. But I did it, 5 out of 7 tries. Just to the other end though. Enough for me for today.
: I stand left foot on the coping, right I jump in with it in front cause this coping was up at least a half inch so I didnt want my wheels to lock on it.

Yuo should'nt lock up a wheel with those jump bars so low, maybe sit on the adge of the coping with your skate in your hand and roll it over slowly like it would if you were dropping in and see if anything is gonna be an issue.Watching a bit of video footage of your own skating is an awsome learning tool,you find somethings that are scary and holding you back, when viewed from another perspective, are realy not a problem and you can overcome some hangups and blaze ahead..

cheers joe
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