Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12359 (19. May. 2010 23:03) (All next previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
cephalopoid's definitive build-a-skate-thread
Just uploaded the pics my gf shot last weekend. The sparks 'n' dust ones. Check the bucket.

I also made pictures of what the plates are now. I grinded them, they're almost symmetrical, they're smooth and they're rounded off, which means I won't risk getting sharp corners in my legs while bailing (except for the fuck-up...).
Will upload them tomorrow.

Tomorrow on the schedule: measuring, measuring again, check the measuring, drilling. I'm gonna put the trucks in the middle of the plate. Wish me luck.

Use. Linux.
That was subliminal. You didn't read this.
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  • cephalopoid: cephalopoid's definitive build-a-skate-thread (19. May. 2010 11:56)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum