Vertical Rollerskating


Message 2800 (25. Jun. 2007 02:00) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Missing Skating
: : The kryptos were great but they were miserable on the ramps. Very sticky. I might stick around 85a until I can do jumps and all and stick them pretty well. I really want to get some air one day soon!
: I think 85a will still be too soft and sticky. 78a is very great for cruising the street and for downhill and stuff like that. For half pipe I prefer 95a or harder. Because you are very light, A bit softer could be OK for you. But I have to say that I once upon a time tried 93a wheels in an effort to create a compromise skate which a´would be suitable for ramp and for street. In the end, it wasn't good for neither.

Would an art wheel work? I was thinking a freestyle wheel like the panther that I have on now (they make these cool airplane sounds when you ride them! I like NOISE!) but seems to me that small wheels yield a bumpy ride and are lousy if you hit a small rock even. So now I'm thinking of a narrow jam wheel like the zodiacs. I ride a 95a indoors and most others like the 101a so 92-96 might work for me. I dont think I can handle the wide ramp trucks since I'm not that wide built and also ride parallel so might have to stick to roller wheels.
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